Why Climate Change Startups Are the Need of the Hour?

Creating situations where the right thing to do is also the simple thing to do is the best method to generate long-term change. The new climate change startups provide a once-in-a-lifetime chance to motivate fresh talent to invent and deploy as many solutions as possible to achieve this goal.

Person holding there is no planet B poster.
Photo by Li-An Lim on Unsplash

Easy And Effective

When faced with a split-second decision or a force of habit, the ordinary customer will always go for the more convenient option, even if it is the "wrong thing to do." Technology, when combined with a thorough understanding of user experience in these new climate change startups, has the potential to meet customers where they are — to provide solutions that not only satisfy the essential minimum of convenience in solving an issue but also do it in a way that benefits more people.

Not Losing Sight

Too frequently see businesses, especially climate change startups, lose sight of this notion. Take, for example, long institutionalized recycling. Everyone understands the importance of recycling in decreasing trash and, as a result, mitigating climate change. We cannot continue to generate garbage at the current rate. Recycling is a method of reducing the amount of waste in the world. Recycling is based on the idea of repurposing old items in new ways. When presented with a split-second option between the blue bin and the black bin, it's far easier for the ordinary customer to toss an item into the black bin rather than take the required step(s) to study the item's actual recyclability.

Develop, Support, And Promote

This is a critical time for technology to tackle major issues. Climate change is the most serious and time-sensitive of these issues. We have the potential to leverage the technological advances of the previous several decades to make it easier for everyone — yes, everyone — to help save the world. We need to develop, support, and promote technology that does good while also doing well.

An Investor's Perspective

Every day, as an investor, I watch tech businesses embrace or ignore this idea. Then, a few years ago, I met the creator of Span and was instantly taken by how his concept simplifies a complex process while still causing good change. It is challenging to electrify your home today. Sure, you could put a solar panel or a battery in your basement, but it's difficult to tell whether these devices are genuinely helping you save energy. Span is an electric panel that allows a homeowner to remotely regulate every circuit in their house using a smartphone app. Climate change startups like this have introduced user-centered design in an unappealing field: residential power. What type of solutions can we produce if we apply human-centered design, technology, outstanding UX, and end-to-end product thinking to additional areas (no matter how "boring")? What kinds of enormous challenges could we be able to solve?

Leading the Transition

We've come a long way in the transition to solar and renewables, but it's not enough. Across all the climate change startups, we must plan and devote resources to solutions. This rallying cry may originate in the tech industry, but it will require backing from investors, non-profit advocacy organizations, and lawmakers. We also need the leaders to lay out an incentive plan. There are no silver bullets for climate change, and no single person, concept, or corporation can fix the problem. It requires all of us; it necessitates all of our thoughts.

Take-home Thoughts

Simply put, people are driven to do the right thing only to the extent that it benefits them. Let us accept human nature as a challenge as we progress. Technology that passes the convenience test will eventually stand the test of time and promote long-term change. How can we make it simpler to do the right thing rather than the wrong thing? If we can figure it out and educate others on how to do it, we will be in a position to save our earth.