5 Basic Tips for New Dog Owners

People go through life interacting with their human counterparts, and these relationships ebb and flow, depending on a number of factors. There are, however, other connections that are always positive and loving. These are our four-legged friends who share our residences, ready to give you all the positive attention and emotion you need.

Smiling female child patting the beagle on the head
Image by zinkevych on Freepik

Are you looking to upgrade your life with a dog? This is a big commitment with significant rewards, but also challenging. Pet ownership is challenging, so you must be prepared to share your life with your canine counterpart.

To help you navigate this new relationship, here are some effective new dog owner tips to set you up for success.

Get Pet Ready

While bringing home a new dog is not like having a baby, you must still set up your home for this new inhabitant. A puppy hits the ground running and gets into everything.

Start by puppy-proofing your place. This will involve putting away clutter and moving other things out of reach, like electrical cords, shoes and even socks; they love socks!

Now, you can set up a dedicated dog zone. In this box, you can put a dog's bed, toys, and anything else they need to feel comfortable and relaxed. Establish rules for your dog with respect to the rest of the house. Are they allowed on the couch? How about the bed? You may have off-limits rooms, so keep doors closed or use a toddler gate to restrict access.

Also, until they are potty trained, you may have to deal with some unpleasant messes. This can happen with puppies and even older dogs entering a new home.

Dog Food

Your dog comes into your home ready to eat because most dogs are always hungry. Just like us, the quality of food you have will dictate your pet's overall health.

Fortunately, you can purchase from excellent companies like Orijen dog food. Talk to their staff about what they recommend and learn about the breed you have to get some insight into their best diet.

Feeding is best done a few times daily so your dog can develop a feeding routine instead of having a full bowl to graze on all day. Also, make sure they have access to fresh water at all times.

Allow for Their Transition

Dogs adapt pretty well, but adjusting to a new environment may take some time. A good idea is to bring your new dog home on a day you can dedicate to it. You can be there to take it around and get it acclimated while letting it explore on its own, too.

Do not overstimulate them with toys or hold them nonstop. They will need some space as they figure out what is happening to them. Strike a balance between loving them and giving them some independence so they can get used to their new life in their own time.

Take Care of Their Health Needs

Dogs are animals and need to be cared for. Make sure they are up to date with all their vaccinations, especially for puppies. You should also consider spaying or neutering your pet unless you plan to breed it.

Use an effective flea and tick prevention plan, even if they are mostly indoor dogs, and pay attention to any changes they undergo in case they need to see the vet beyond a yearly checkup.

Dogs are bundles of energy and love, so reciprocate as much as possible. You will gain a loyal companion, ready to spend time with you and your family for all their dog days.

Spend Time with Them

We all have busy lives but still want a pet to bring us happiness. Remember, while you may have a lot to focus on, your dog just has you. Pet ownership is a long-term commitment of quality and quantity of time, and dogs are very portable and ready to go everywhere with you.

You must take them out for exercise and daily potty breaks. They enjoy sleeping up to 14 hours per day, but more than anything, they want to be with you, giving and receiving love. The whole family can be involved in the care and attention of your dog, so treat your pet like a central part of the family.

Dogs adapt best to routine, so they follow the same pattern daily: feeding, taking them for walks, getting treats, and even hanging out with you in the living room. This helps them adjust and thrive.